British Home Front Radio does not aim to reflect any single radio service that could have been heard during the 1930s and through the Second World War in Great Britain and also into the 1950s but it also aims to provide historical sound bytes from content from any radio stations that could have been tuned into during that period in time.
Most radio broadcasts were transmitted using amplitude modulation onto a radio frequency carrier on the medium, long or shortwave lengths, it was possible from Great Britain to tune into many stations all over Europe. Today most radio stations broadcast on very high frequencies (VHF) using frequency modulation (FM) which provides much higher audio quality and inherent interference rejection but with this comes the limitation of range because VHF Radio waves usually do not travel far beyond the visual horizon, so reception distances for FM stations are typically limited to 30–40 miles (48–64 km)
Early uses were found for radio broadcasting primarily by government propaganda during, the lead up to, and during the Second World War by both the Allies and the Axis forces. Today the medium is still used by the BBC World Service, the world's largest international broadcaster, which broadcasts radio news, speech and discussions in more than 40 languages to many parts of the world on analogue and digital shortwave platforms.
Where possible, it is our aim to either provide original recordings when available of original transmitted material, be it propaganda from Germany or Japan. When such recordings are not available but transcripts of lost broadcast news items are, we will endeavor to re-record these in as an authentic manor as possible to provide an immersive listening experience that provides the music and sounds that were available during WWII in Great Britain.
The BBC National Programme was a UK radio broadcasting service which was on the air from 9 March 1930 after replacing the earlier BBC radio station 5XX. The National Programme became the BBC Home Service on 1 September 1939 days prior to the outbreak of World War II. On 29 July 1945, within 12 weeks of VE Day, the BBC reactivated the Regional Programme, but retained the name "BBC Home Service". On the same date, the BBC Light Programme was launched, taking over the style and much of the function, as an entertainment channel, of the BBC Forces Programme from 1945 until 1967, when the BBC Light Programme was rebranded as BBC Radio 2 which is still a very populer station totay.
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Please help us meet the £250 short fall in the ever increasing monthly cost of running The British Home Front Radio Service. Although the Station is supported by third party advertising we still have a short fall every month to find of at least £250 a month. We would prefer not to ask for donations to support the service and understand that not everyone can afford to donate, indeed we would certainly not wish anybody to donate unless they could genuinely afford to do so. Donations in January 2025 were £81.37